With the increasing application of the virtual world, it has brought about a great opportunity for the business sector. Today, CEO Club of Hong Kong Polytechnic University organized a lecture, inviting Mr. Samuel Lam, Committee of the Club and founder of X Social Group, to explore the changes brought by the metaverse to the business world. Samuel analyzed the characteristics and development potential of various metaverses in the lecture and shared numerous case studies of international brands discovering business opportunities within the metaverse. The members were attentive and actively raised questions during the process, deepening their understanding of this topic.
虛擬世界的應用愈來愈多,為商界帶來一大機遇。理大總裁協會在今天舉辦講座,邀請到協會理事兼艾希妮控股集團主席林漢源 (Samuel Lam) 先生與大家探討元宇宙為商界帶來的變化。Samuel 在講座中分析了各元宇宙的特點與發展潛力,及分享了不少國際品牌在元宇宙內發掘商機的案例。會員們在過程中聚精會神,踴躍發問,大家都對這個主題有更深入的了解。

Photo : Mr. Samuel Lam, Committee of PolyU CEO Club and Founder of X Social Group
圖片: 理工大學總裁協會理事兼艾希妮控股集團主席林漢源先生