Hong Kong Retail Outlook 2025 - Brand Breakthrough in the Era of Victoria Harbour's Major Economic Activities 零售前景研討會引領創新與趨勢 2025
Illuminating the Art Tech Future: X Social Group Awarded "Asia's Most Accomplished Brand"
X Social Group CEO Mr. Samuel Lam to Speak at Cyberport DELF 2024, Honored with Digital Entertainment Leader Award
PolyU CEO Club invites Mr. Samuel Lam as Guest Speaker | The Revolution of Metashopping
MBeaute 電商獲香港市務學會頒發「大灣區市場領袖大獎2021」
"New Retail Industry Benefits from the Pandemic" Interviewed by Metro Radio 新城財經專訪: 林漢源 : 新零售行業疫情下反受惠
Sustainable Growth of Cross-border eCommerce as at Q1 2021
香港零售管理協會 (HKRMA) 舉辦的線上線下同步研討會 《零售創新研討會》圓滿進行
Founder & CEO of X Social Group, Mr Samuel Lam, wins the Greater China Outstanding Entrepreneur
X Social wins HKIM’s Market Leadership Award 2020-2021
X Social創始人林漢源擔任「FIBA 3×3世界巡迴賽香港學界推廣籌委會小組主席」
電商系列講座《網紅直播、新零售新機遇》嘉賓講者: 林漢源 Samuel Lam
港品 . 新的出發|大灣區直播營銷新趨勢
New Force of Consumption Power in China During and After Crisis
An up-and-coming Content-driven eCommerce Trend: Livestreaming eCommerce
Making Your Business Recession- and Crisis-Proof with eCommerce