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香港經濟日報專訪:REIGN 的藝術奢侈品牌在後疫情下的商業5.0的營銷策略
REIGN 以藝術為核心,融合了畢加索、莫奈、梵高等知名藝術家及奧地利美景宮美術館的作品,推出如畢加索茅台、梵高威士忌、莫奈手製曲奇等高端食品,旨在滿足消費者對藝術與美食的雙重追求。林漢源表示:“我們的目標客戶群主要是藝術愛好者及高消費人群,他們通常購買我們的產品作為珍藏或送禮
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2024年7月31日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
X Social Group's Continued Commitment to Advancing Hong Kong's Higher Education and Community
It is with great honor that our company CEO, Mr. Samuel Lam Hon Yuen, has been entrusted to serve a second consecutive term on the executive
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